Lead Pastor

Grace Church Paul Canaday

Paul Canday


Paul grew up in Sanger and graduated Sanger High in 1996. Paul is also a graduate of Fresno State with a Bachelors in Psychology and of Mennonite Brethren Bible College with an M.Div Degree.

Paul loves being a pastor and communicating the Good News in his home community and encouraging the gifts of others.

Paul and his wife, Stacey have been married since 2006 and have 2 children: Jacob and Zoe.
In his spare time you’ll find him playing with his family, in the garage working on a project car or in the yard.


Pastor Juan


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Women’s Ministry and Office Administrator

Grace Church Jessica Guerra

Jessica Guerra


Jessica grew up in Kingsburg and moved to Sanger in 1989. She attended Kingsburg High School and worked in the medial field as a medical assistant in a cardiology office.

She worked as an administrative assistant at a small church where she began to lead Bible studies and women’s support group. She found her true calling to ministry after walking alongside a family who lost a small child. Although this was a trying time is her walk, she found comfort knowing that God chose her to walkalong families and minister to them through their many walks of life.

Jessica has been trained and certified as a Stephen Minister and is currently working at getting licensed.

She and her husband Dave have two adult children and enjoy spending time together and finding new hobbies that they can do together, such as RC flying, outdoor activities, and hiking.

Jessica loves animals, and babies (she is always ready and willing to hold and cuddle a baby). So, if you have a small baby and are looking for a break then you should definitely sit next to her in church.


Oscar Hernandez


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Jeremy Bonnifield


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